Friday, April 4, 2008

I am NOT creative!!!!

FYI... I've been getting some responses on how creative our April Fool's Day dinner was. Well, for your information, and as someone remembered correctly, I subscribe to Family Fun Magazine. And I got the meatloaf pie idea from that! And the peas and carrots bit, I got from their website! Isn't it wonderful to have OTHER people who are so creative, and willing to share their ideas!? How grateful I am for those who share! Anyone looking for ideas for next year, just go to and they have a plethora of ideas! It's wonderful! And thanks to my sister, Amy, who got me started on Family Fun in the first place!


Anonymous said...

I guess I should be giving you kudos for making the effort to find neat stuff, then! It inspires me to do the same.

AJ said...

Hi Sarah!! Just found your blog off of Betts'. How great that you're pregnant again! So am I :) Well now I will be keeping up with you guys!

AJ said...

oh just so you know this is Annalise Jones, haha! my blog is at

Amy said...

Hi Sara and Todd, just came across your blog! How fun! Good to see you and your cute family is doing well!