Gotta love baseball season! As crazy as our schedules become, I LOVE it! So, for this years snack, I decided to be a little creative, and found this idea on the internet. Glenn's team was first, and the reaction was priceless! The kids couldn't believe their eyes, and were so excited to eat baseball cookies! Of course, James wanted them for his team, too. So, I made more, only to have his game rained out! So, they sit in my freezer, waiting for the make-up game... won't be till June! Hope they survive!
Ellie turns one this week! So hard to imagine that one year ago today, this little bundle came into our lives! She's not walking on her own yet, and to be honest, I think the reason why is not because she can't, but because she LOVES being with people. And if she requires you to hold on to her while she walks, she gets to be with you that much more! So, she already has her brothers wrapped around her little finger! James' favorite thing to do, is walk with Ellie, and look how happy she is!
Alex got dressed himself the other night... he came running downstairs, SOOOO excited! He yelled with his high pitched excited voice... "I got dressed by myself!" We took one look at him, and said, "Why yes you did Alex... how could we tell :-): Shirt inside out and backwards, pants backwards, but happy as a lark! Hey, I'll take it! His funny saying for this week is when he saw the Statue of Liberty in a book he said, "Look, Mama, Princess." I said it wasn't a princess, but the Statue of Liberty. That night he found another picture and told me, "Look, mama, Statue of Princess."
Ahhhhh, last Friday was the Extravaganza. It's basically a HUGE karate recital. Every belt rank gets to show his stuff to music. The kids LOVE it! And James was on the Demonstration Team this year, so got to do some extra routines, the most difficult was the Star Spangled Banner. With Saturday practices since Jan, it's been a long time in coming! But it finally came, and the boys were fantastic. It was wonderful to watch them, and see how excited all these kids were to perform! Alex wished he was out there!! I keep telling him... don't grow up too fast.... your time will come soon enough! Here's a clip of James practicing for the Star Spangled Banner right before the event... notice how all the boys have it memorized... even little Alex tries his heart out to follow in his brother's footsteps!
And last, but not least, here are the kids on a beautiful Saturday morning... no Demo Team this morning, and we were all Loving life! James built a patio table for me for Mother's Day, and the boys, especially Papa, kept up the house and cooking to perfection. It was a fabulous weekend. And I hope all you Mother's out there had a wonderful day as well.
The more I hear about your kids teams, the more sad I am for Frog Prince.
They never had snacks after the game, and practices. I am honestly thinking of signing up to coach next year, because we've been so disenchanted.
The boys did great at the Karate show!!!!
Totally gonna steal the baseball cookie idea. It rocks.
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