Sunday, November 2, 2008

Happy Belated Birthday, Glenn

I can't believe he's 5!
You warm the heart, Glenn. Those are the first words that come to my mind as I think of Glenn. He has a beautiful smile that is so contagious. He's smiling first thing in the morning, always waiting anxiously to give everyone around him a hug and kiss. And he's got a smile from ear to ear as he goes to sleep, as long as we are cuddling with him. You have a gift to warm the hearts of those around you, and you use it well.

This year we were very fortunate to have Grandma and Grandpa Brown here for his birthday... a rare occasion to have family around for a birthday, and we were so grateful. I always ask the kids what shape of birthday cakes they want... Glenn wanted what James had.. a half of a death star, and the Millennium Falcon. And James help make the 'junk' around the Falcon, since it's the "fastest junk in the galaxy." It was a wonderful evening.

We started the morning, with Capt'n Crunch cereal! I tried to convince him to have pancakes, or something simpler... I know it sounds crazy, but I had everything for pancakes, and would have to go out to BUY this cereal. But he insisted! So, after a trip to the store I gave him the biggest bowl we owned, and he went to town, loving every second. Grandpa D once made french toast with Capt'n Crunch... that's the only place we think he could have gotten that idea from... anyway, the other kids enjoyed the cereal as well. I still have Alex asking every once in a while for 'Capn Cunch?'

Then later that day, Grandma/pa Brown took James and Glenn just by themselves to the bookstore. Glenn was treated royally with 2 new books, and some hot chocolate! He, again, had a smile on his face from ear to ear, and LOVED every second of it. Then for dinner, we of course went to the New China Buffet, our kids favorite eating place! The kids ate their hearts out... which is why we love that place because our kids eat their share! They gave Glenn a snazzy muffin, we all sang to him, and then we headed home for cake and ice cream. See above!

The next day was karate. And although you really can't see it well here... need to find my photo software, he again was grinning from ear to ear! The whole day, I was CONSTANTLY hearing, "Is it time for karate yet? Are we going to be late? Can we leave yet? I'm so excited! We're not going to be late, are we? Are we going to be early?" These questions/exclamations were asked over and over and over and over again! He was STOKED! And so cute! He RAN into the karate school, even after KNOWING he still had to wait through James' 45 minute class. He got dressed and ready all by himself, and was sitting by my side, constantly asking when his class would start! He was adorable.

Something funny that Glenn said the night before his birthday... James had earned a rock in the jar because he answered a question that I had asked him about the scriptures that we had read. Glenn asked if he could answer a question. So, Todd said, "For a rock in the jar, Glenn, tell me what is written on the face of the temple." Without skipping a beat, he replied "Words." Very true Glenn! He's as quick as a whip, and LOVES math! Any extra time he has... he wants to do his math... engineer maybe? :-)
Some of Glenn's favorites this year... Star Wars... Millennium Falcon... Green... Math... Mt. Rushmore... riding a 2-wheeler... riding tandem with buffalo... snuggling... cleaning toilets... gum... road trips!.... Grandmas and Grandpas... vanilla yogurt (actually vanilla anything)... 'yes, thank-you'.
I can't believe he's 5! He's growing up so fast! I LOVE being his mom, though. What a privilege it is! I have learned so much from him, and one of the most important things, is to smile! Thanks Glenn!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm sorry we totally missed it! Happy Belated Birthday, Glenn!